Invisibly brighter and more radiant teeth can be achieved with teeth whitening, a non-invasive process that uses bleaching agents. Long-lasting stains and discolorations are removed from the teeth during the procedure by gently penetrating them with a gel that has been scientifically formulated.
The process of teeth whitening involves eradicating stains from the surface of the teeth and returning them to their original color. It is one of the most popular and extensively used practices. Modern dental technology has allowed us to develop sophisticated whitening treatment methods that produce consistent, long-lasting results.
What is the recommended frequency of teeth whitening?
A professional teeth-whitening procedure typically lasts one year. For long-lasting smiles and general oral health, getting your teeth whitened after a year is advised.
Is it possible to brush teeth after teeth whitening?
Dentists do not recommend brushing teeth immediately following a teeth-whitening procedure. After receiving treatment, people must wait a few hours before brushing their teeth for the first time.
How long does teeth whitening last?
There are numerous varieties of teeth-whitening procedures. Every treatment has a different effect, ranging from a few months to three years. On the other hand, people who smoke, drink a lot of tea or coffee, or use tobacco products won’t notice the benefits right away.
How much does teeth whitening cost?
Teeth whitening cost can depend on your dental condition. Generally, it is around 3,000 INR per arch.